Monday, June 28, 2004

What's Gump Reading? This Week.

Bought two new marketing/business books over the weekend. Pretty pleased with both of them. The first is Seth Godin's new book, Free Prize Inside. I've been a fan of Seth Godin for a while and believe that his books Permission Marketing and Unleashing the Ideavirus are required reading for anyone in the PR/Advertising/Viral Marketing/Online business.

I was disappointed in Purple Cow, the book just before this latest one. But so far, Free Prize Inside is looking good.

The other book I bought is Lovemarks, written by Saatchi & Saatchi CEO Kevin Roberts. Now, one of these books comes around every year or so that claims that marketing as we know it has changed, and that branding will be changed forever. Lovemarks does the same thing, but Roberts is practicing what he preaches with the Web site.

What I am trying to figure out is how Saatchi & Saatchi is involved in all of this. Their logo is all over the Lovemarks Web site, and it's mentioned all over the book as well. I'm curious if the book is a Kevin Roberts production or a Sattchi & Saatchi production...


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