Tuesday, February 08, 2005

MapQuest Gets Trumped by Google

Google launced the beta version of its new mapping service today at maps.google.com.

And it's amazing. Smooth scrolling, drop shadows, live scrolling and zooming. It looks very Apple-like in the GUI. And that'a a compliment.

Unfortunately, the folks who would admire this the most - people using the Safari browser on the Mac, won't be able to see it yet. The site currently only works for IE and Firefox/Mozilla, according to Slashdot.

But if you're on IE, you're in for a treat. Check it out here. Sorry, MapQuest and Expedia Maps, you're going to have to evolve.

1 comment:

Gump said...

Update: It works fine with Mac OS X. It's a thing of loveliness.
