Sunday's big game is ABC's last NFL production for many years to come. NBC now has the NFL for six years, thanks to the $600 million it paid for the rights to one game a week (the Monday Night Football game). But it won't be showing the game Monday night - it will be on Sunday night prime time.
Anyway, back to the Super Bowl. ABC is going all-out with some neato gizmos and high-def goodies to make sure you don't forget this game. talks about the wireless high-def, new Canon lenses and other goodies here. Here's a snippet about the "rigs," or those big eighteen wheelers that park outside with all of the cables going into them:
"Sports is always at the cutting edge of hi-tech on television," said George Hoover, senior vice president of engineering at NEP Supershooters, the mobile division of NEP Broadcasting in Pittsburgh that will bring three trucks to Super Bowl XL. "Since the first super slo-mo cameras five years ago, the NFL is generally a driving force for new TV technology." NEP is bringing Supershooter 26, the HDTV rig used to shoot Monday Night Football on ABC for the past three seasons, to the event. NEP also is bringing in Supershooter 20, the HDTV truck used to shoot Sunday Night Football for ESPN.
The three-and-a-half hour pre-game show and the shorter post-game show will be shot in HD using Supershooter 18.
Yep. Three rigs. Two more than most events. Each of these rigs has millions of dollars of equipment in it. Each one. In other words, a good portion of the high-def equipment in the US will all be situated next to Ford Field in Detroit this week.
Cool stuff. Gonna love it in HD...
Via Gizmodo.
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