Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I Want One. No, I Need One

I have a little trouble getting up in the morning. I know how to divide by nine, which is number of snooze minutes my Sony clock radio "Dream Bar" will give me. I snooze for about 40-50 minutes (or actually 45-54 minutes to be precise) every morning.

Clocky from this MIT student is the solution to my problem. An alarm clock on wheels. Here's a snippet:

Before you hit the snooze button a second time on this alarm clock, you'll have to hunt it down.

The shag carpet-covered robotic alarm clock on wheels, called Clocky, rolls away and hides.

The clock is the invention of Gauri Nanda, a graduate student -- and a person who occasionally oversleeps -- who works in the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Looks kinda freaky with the shag carpeting. Make sure to keep all ferrets away from this device.

Read the entire story here.



Gump said...

I just heard that the fancy Bose clock radios actually let you set the snooze time to whatever length you want. This is cool.

The thing is, clock radios don't advertise their snooze lengths. It's troble when you're in a hotel room and don't know the length of the snooze. In my experience, it can range from five minutes to fifteen. How Sony chose nine minutes would be an interesting study.


Anonymous said...

I remember the alarm clocks that looked like a baseball that you would have to throw to shut up. They were big about 5-10 years ago.